Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Visions of Jerash

While we lived in Muscat, Oman in 2005, we got a chance to travel to and through Amman, Jordan.  One of our trips included visiting Jerash; a city about one hour north of the capital.  Jerash is known for its well preserved Roman ruins and sizable excavations.  It is a must see for anyone interested in learning more about the Roman era.  At the time of our visit, we had friends watching G so that we could take in and appreciate the outing and not rush through.  There is a lot of walking and climbing involved in addition to uneven ground.  These conditions do not make it suitable for young children even under the best circumstances.  Do leave the kids behind and make it a "Roman" date to enjoy with your special habibi. 

As I think about our family's impending move, it conjures a bag of mixed emotions.  We have become accustomed to our current life; the comforts of the many places we frequent and the friendly faces we know.  However, life is a continuous transition; always changing and introducing highs and lows.  Most of us hope to navigate through as few lows as possible, but really, it comes down to how we handle these difficult times that matter.  We wouldn't really know what true highs were if there weren't lows to experience.  Otherwise, what reference could we use to compare these fleeting moments of happiness?  Regardless of what the future may hold, I look forward to revisiting this special place called Jerash (even if it means being besieged by sellers!) that imparted us with so many good memories.  To learn more about this intriguing location visit Jerash, Jordan.

Me in Jerash 9/05

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