Monday, May 2, 2011

Jesus Weeps

"So, I gave about 120 rials to a beggar holding a 1-year old baby. He thanked me about 20 times, because he can get her some milk. 120 rials = 50 cents. Jesus weeps."

In a country, considered to be the poorest nation in the Middle East where approximately 44% of the population is aged 14 years or less, the innocent are the defenseless victims. There are NGOs set-up to provide relief to the people of Yemen, but due to the political and economic situation, aid is not getting to those in need. Where do we begin or what else can we do that will result in an immediate relief?

Kids G's age (6 years old) are out on the street late at night begging for food/money. Handicapped adults - society's "throw out" - wait on the goodness of foreigners as they too beg. As most of us (yes, to include myself) tuned in to watch the Royal wedding, this scene played out and continues to in many corners of the world to include the U.S. We can distract ourselves briefly and place our heads in the sand, but at some point we will need to look up. When we do, we will be bitterly reminded of the daily struggles of these forgotten souls.