Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lamb of God to the Rescue

Toddler S began her first day at a terrific childcare facility.  Apparently she only cried once when her diaper was being changed.  So much for the separation anxiety, the screaming, tears streaming to the floor scenario.  She was a cool bean the entire day.  It was I who felt as though a part of me was missing.  I ran my errands with a heavy feeling in my chest, periodically looking at the empty car seat.  However, after some time I went on with my day and forgot those sad feelings. 

Upon my arrival to pick my chili bean up, she just wanted to run to and be held by her mami.  It was such a great feeling.  I hope Toddler S continues to shower me with this type of affection going forward.   

My decision for starting daycare was two-fold.  One, when you are alone running the show, the mind needs a break to recoup.  My drill sergeant ways have caused me to get laryngitis on multiple occasions.  A day in my life entails not only running a household, but also parenting an older "special" child and a toddler in addition to doing almost just about everything under the sun.  You name it, I have probably done it.  Here's a list of the oddities:

Landscaper (mulching, sod installation and planting)
Filter Changer (we have cathedral ceilings -- I almost fell off the ladder last time!)
Painter, Grouter, Caulker
Psychologist and Pep Talker
Case Manager (as my mother-in-law would call it)

You get it, right? 

Moving on to my second reason, Toddler S is walking.  Long gone are the days when I could visit the doctor to have a cyst incised or get my hair cut and styled and still maintain a child strapped to a stroller.  Even when those days were still here, the amount of time that Toddler S would agree to being still had a cap. 

In the end, the positives outweighed the negatives and my own self-guilt feelings.  The ship must continue to sail forward.  If the captain loses her mind my two sailors don't have a chance maintaining us afloat. 

Toddler S recaps her day

Happy to see Mami

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