Thursday, September 30, 2010

On My Way to Yemen

We dropped Waldo off yesterday at the airport around 3:30 to begin his long trek to nowhere, I mean Yemen. After months of waiting, his passport/visa was delivered in the morning to be used that same afternoon.  Imagine the emotional drama if a dog just happened to stop by our front door and decide to take off with the envelope.   

Baby S (aka Young Yeller) was oblivious, but G was upset, naturally.  She cried for some time, but stopped after we got to base to pick up paperwork.  I am very thankful I don't have to worry about selling a car.... 

In my attempts to cheer her up, G got a chance to speak to Waldo while he checked his 4 pieces of luggage and was also offered a hot chocolate (on a hot Florida day) to have after dinner. 

Here are a few pictures I quickly snapped as we stopped to unload luggage. 

Waldo & G

Waldo & G

Baby S


We got a chance to text this morning while Waldo waited in Frankfurt for his connecting flight to Istanbul

As for G's whereabouts...she is visiting Cracker Country (a field trip the school organized).  I am still trying to figure out what sort of trip she is on!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great blog! Share more about your travels!