Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Show Must Go On

Sadly, Waldo was unable to participate in today's events.  Hence, our Halloween adventure had to go on without him.  

Prior to finding out that Waldo would be in town this weekend, I decided to have some of G's friends over the house.  Little did I know that my time would be split tending to the needs of three individuals all along having to run errands, organize, clean, and prepare for the get together.  It got a bit intense at one point where I was running around the house (sort of like you see in Top Chef as the chefs scramble under the clock) while the cat chased me.  He probably thought I was playing with him or couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.  It was pretty funny up to the point where I slipped on spilled water in the kitchen.  I then proceeded to get-up and continue walking with a slight limp. 

Eventually, I was able to get everything ready and the kids had a great time.  Once everyone ate to their heart's content, we walked around the neighborhood.  G not only trick-or-treated for herself, but also for Toddler S.  She would say "and can I get some for my baby sister?"  I stood in the background and affirmed that yes, there was indeed a baby sister nearby. 

Here are a few photos of Cowgirl and Strawberry.  Of interest to some is that G named Toddler S "Strawberry" prior to her being born.  I had no choice but to go with a strawberry costume this year.



Toddler S

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Cat's Drag In

Waldo's home!  And, Yobi deserves no merits.

We are lucky to spend a few days with Waldo.  He arrived almost exactly one month from when he left in September.  A work related trip allowed him to route his travel itinerary to our neck of the woods.  Around this time last year, Toddler S was born and she was exactly two weeks old when we both walked around the neighborhood as G attempted to land a few good treats on Halloween.  How a propos that he would be here in time for G and Toddler S to make their treating rounds.  God is in the details. 

Besides the exhaustion of traveling for about 40 hours (19 of which he spent waiting at an airport), he looks good and is now sporting a scar.  Waldo had a minor accident, which lead to his hand being cut to the bone.  Thankfully, there was an American doctor that tended to this wound.  My reactions were "alright, you've got your one accident out of the way, no more."  

Since everyone is sleeping, except for the little bully that demanded her breakfast at 6 in the morning and who has now decided to fall asleep on her feeding chair, I'll post some pictures of the gang later in the day.

Costco Supply Run

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Doctor on Call

We're in the season, the cold season.  For the past month, at least two of us have been sick.  When it seems like everyone is improving, another illness seems to spring up.  Last night was no different.  I spent most of the night partying.  Well, the partying I refer to is administering nebulizing treatments or taking temperature readings, rectally if I may add.  Not a pleasant experience for "someone" who is passing time in her crib right now (hint).  

For the moment, I am holding ground, but only for the help of antibiotics.  Since our move to Florida, it's been a non-stop deluge of sinus/bronchitis infections.  A mutual friend of Waldo and I said to me "but you own this town" as I explained to him (between coughing fits) how miserable it's been since my arrival.  Our friend was referring to "my roots", but honestly I think I have lost my third-world country resilience the day I stepped on a plane, many decades ago, to follow the American dream.    

At any rate, the day has begun for me and I am not yet feeling the caffeine effects of the coffee I have been sipping for the past hour.  My "feline assistant" who I depend on for some sort of morale support when Waldo is not around is of no use to me either.  He has decided to plop himself down on the bed and do what he does best, sleep.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Into the Arms of God

There are times in life when certain individuals are brought to you to fulfill a specific purpose.  Once accomplished, they leave as quickly as they came. 

On my way to the Y yesterday I turned on the radio and found out that the Monseigneur that I had assisted in the past and who baptized Toddler S this past Labor day week-end passed away.  God called him home during mass.  Specifically, as he was about to consecrate the gifts.  For someone who gave his entire life to the Lord, what an honor to return to Him in this manner.

I remember during the christening where Monseigneur described what was happening within Toddler S's soul, which was invisible to us.  He said how Jesus, who died so that we may live, was coming down into her soul and eradicating the evil that was in her inherited by original sin.  He later went on to state that our destiny is to be with Him for eternity and noted that he couldn't wait to be with his parents forever.  God, who always listens and watches, honored His servant's wish.

What a true blessing to have had our child be the last baptism he performed on earth.  I will miss seeing your warm face and listening to words of hope, but know that you will keep a close watch on our family for the rest of our days.

Monseigneur Scully & Us

Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry: True Stories of Padre Pio

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lamb of God to the Rescue

Toddler S began her first day at a terrific childcare facility.  Apparently she only cried once when her diaper was being changed.  So much for the separation anxiety, the screaming, tears streaming to the floor scenario.  She was a cool bean the entire day.  It was I who felt as though a part of me was missing.  I ran my errands with a heavy feeling in my chest, periodically looking at the empty car seat.  However, after some time I went on with my day and forgot those sad feelings. 

Upon my arrival to pick my chili bean up, she just wanted to run to and be held by her mami.  It was such a great feeling.  I hope Toddler S continues to shower me with this type of affection going forward.   

My decision for starting daycare was two-fold.  One, when you are alone running the show, the mind needs a break to recoup.  My drill sergeant ways have caused me to get laryngitis on multiple occasions.  A day in my life entails not only running a household, but also parenting an older "special" child and a toddler in addition to doing almost just about everything under the sun.  You name it, I have probably done it.  Here's a list of the oddities:

Landscaper (mulching, sod installation and planting)
Filter Changer (we have cathedral ceilings -- I almost fell off the ladder last time!)
Painter, Grouter, Caulker
Psychologist and Pep Talker
Case Manager (as my mother-in-law would call it)

You get it, right? 

Moving on to my second reason, Toddler S is walking.  Long gone are the days when I could visit the doctor to have a cyst incised or get my hair cut and styled and still maintain a child strapped to a stroller.  Even when those days were still here, the amount of time that Toddler S would agree to being still had a cap. 

In the end, the positives outweighed the negatives and my own self-guilt feelings.  The ship must continue to sail forward.  If the captain loses her mind my two sailors don't have a chance maintaining us afloat. 

Toddler S recaps her day

Happy to see Mami

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Big "One"

Toddler S officially turned one yesterday and although she started walking a week before her 10 month "birthday", she was in no hurry to adopt this new mode of transport.  Well, at least not until yesterday. 

Let's think about her reason too just kick back and relax.  You have the rest of your life to walk, why not have someone else carry you around.  How obvious.  How brilliant our "Young Yeller" is.    

From a helpless newborn to a better functioning little person.  What a difference a year in her life has made.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Living Large

So, Waldo sent various photos of his hotel-like house and I was pretty impressed.  Maybe I would travel half-way around the globe to live in another reality; at least for awhile.  It gets kind of old having Chuck (aka Yobi) the cat hurling his stomach contents on just recently shampooed carpet.  However, I have resigned in full faith and good-will that this is what life must be for the time being.  We must always be thankful, regardless of our circumstances, because someone else has it tougher.  Hence, my motto "Jesus, I trust in you." 

Waldo's Accommodations

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Safety Helmets Anyone?

Just another ride around town. It is common for several people to ride a motorcycle at the same time.  We are definitely not in America folks.  Notice the third child holding a Glock pistol. 
Father and Children

As this scene plays out in a corner of our world, we have G being a typical American child.  For all of the times Waldo tried to get G to ride her bicycle without training wheels, it took Ninong Matt but a few minutes to accomplish.  Here she is in all of her glory. Oh, and wearing protective gear.